Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A favorite post from the past.

An International Airport of Thoughts- Bringing my lunch
Category: Life

I brought my lunch again to work today. I'm becoming more fond of doing that it seems. There is just invigorating about bringing my own lunch.
Each day can and will be something new brought to the table. A new experience to be had...and eaten. From the point of meal conception and preparation to consumption and digestion, it is an interesting process bringing ones lunch.

I started by establishing an environment suitable for maintaing the freshness of my consumables. I placed an icepack within my insulated lunch box.
I proceded in fabricating two ham sandwiches, including Roma Lettuce, and I used a savory light ranch dressing in place of such generic mayonaise. I only wish I'd had wheat bread to enrich them, but hey, you work with what you got.

Two bananas found their way into my lunch fantasy. Their names were Pota and Ssium. Also, two all natural strawberry yogurt cups were afoot in my lunch box.
I brought two types of tea with me along on this lunch excursion. Irish Breakfast Tea (highly recomended), Earl Grey Tea (I'd probably choose another before choosing this again). I also brought part of the kitchen with me as well. A coffee mug. Why people don't refer to them as "tea mugs" I don't know. I'll start doing that. I brought a tea mug for this escapade.

You could say they came two by two. So far everything I packed has been paired, oddly enough.
I needed milk to take with my tea in my tea mug. The only true way the English take their tea, dangerously hot, and with milk. Thanks Ivy;) With the removal of a 16.9oz water bottle from the fridge, I commenced in drinking the water rather fast. Filled with 1% milk I replaced the cap, and positioned it within my lunch basket.

Zipping it closed, my lunch package was complete. Packing a lunch has a certain art about it. Making sure every item is snugly secure, utilizing every cubic inch of space. Utilizing every cubic centimeter of space for those of you who roll metricly.
It was quite pleasing physically and metally to sit and enjoy the fruits of my labor. Sipping tea in my tea mug, at a quaint little table in the lobby of the cinema as onlookers passed. Simply divine. It only could have been made better if I had the company and conversation of a beautiful female to share this experience with.

Bringing ones lunch to work might become the chic thing to do it seems. I've over heard talk from the high schoolers about how they might start bringing their lunches. If you stop to reflect on the idea, there are several benefits to be had by doing so.
-Saves money compared to eating out, by allowing you to buy more at a grocery store to prepare yourself, than paying for slopped quanity, quality, and service-Saves time compared to traveling to find fast food, though prior preparation is needed at home-Saves your health, depending on what you pack, compared to eating fast food-Taking time to prepare and care for your lunch or meal is stimulating, soothing, and liberating.

I remember in grade school, a few times when I brought my lunch. It was contained in an Igloo cooler big enough to be a small cooler, yet small enough to be a big lunch box. I remember friends referring to it as my "Earthquake kit."
Simply because, if we were trapped somehow due to an earthquake we'd have enough food from my lunch box to sustain ourselves for several days. A lovely memory of mine. Tyler Spears inparticularly stands out with that one, thanks Tyler.
I now must crawl back into the covers where I came from. I will pack more thoughts for you to devour later.


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