Saturday, April 9, 2011

Stirring within

I'm up late, again. Today I've not been productive at all. I collected cardboard for a campaign I'm running for two friends. Aside from student teaching, the posters I've made for them is the most art I've made in a while. It was a three layer stencil the size of a poster board. I needed some kind of art outlet. I'm having withdraws from not having any studio classes for the second semester in a row. Of course with classes like that, it's more like practice art, but at least it was some form of creation to continually reconfigure the inner workings of my mind for the better.

I've realized if I can't have a room that I can fully utilize as an art studio due to renting an apartment, I sure would like to have a garage for the next place. Tools, open air/closed air, and not a care in the world of what falls on the floor initially. 

So I've watched "Exit Through The Gift Shop" twice now, and it really makes me wonder about the art world and how people become big in it. One mans crap work could suddenly become the next big thing. I don't want to be that crap work guy that makes it big, I want to create legit stuff and make it big. Send a message to the world, help people through my art, gain an awareness. Also a paycheck would be nice.

I need a more constant creative outlet. I don't want to be just a high school art teacher, and I wont, I'll be much more. God willing.

Introspectively yours,

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