Saturday, August 8, 2009

My heart for sharing

(Written last night, but the laptop died before I could publish it.)

It saddens me to share with non-believers and for them to be held back in some way or form from accepting Christ. I know it's God who tugs at their heart, and it's only my job to share His word with those around me and at the ends of the earth. The Great Commission. I can at least hope that the seeds I've planted tonight, and for ever on will be watered soon, and given sonlight to grow; to take root in a nourishing soil; and become fruitful in life. It's amazing how sparse traffic is at 3:00 in the morning, and when you decided to share the gospel every noisy car, truck, and beater decides to go for a drive. Almost like an opposing force was trying to keep me from it.

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