Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer sorted out

Hello new blog. I've missed the soothing thoughtful spill of my mind into the internet with the slight chance for someone to read. Xanga, you were my first. Here's to you blogger.

God gave me the opportunity to apply to Daytona Beach Summer Project in early May. I was accepted, and He raised 3000 dollars for me in one day. I was, and are still in awe by that. It was definitely meant to be that I spend ten weeks in Florida with Campus Crusade for Christ. I learned so much about myself, others, leadership, and grew closer to God.

I feel as if a passionate fire has been set inside my soul by God, and will not rest until it's set my campus on fire next. I used to be a Christian who said they cared about others, yet didn't make a move to share the love & word of the Lord as he did for me. Perhaps my lack of knowledge held me back, but that is all in the past now. I stepped out on faith, and God truly showed me just a glimpse of what He can do.

Though I was not elected as a leader on this project, I learned greatly from it. In my past experiences of being vice president of this club, and president of that I gained some knowledge. But given the back seat I saw leadership from another view, and how I will enact it in my future endeavors with a quick to listen ear; slow to speak tongue; and a heart after God's heart...among other smaller qualities.

I made so many friends; true brothers and sisters in Christ. Here's to Club DBSP '09 (raises glass). I pray for Gods protection and guidance over them all, and for His infinite wisdom to fill their minds. I honestly cannot wait for college to start back, and to get settled inside my little room. A new dorm; roommate; view of college; path; outreach; kitchen; obstacles; opportunities to glorify God; outlook on life has been laid before me. I await its challenges, love, and mercy to grace me, and fully enthrall me in it's presence.

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